Being human

But how?


It is my mission to create a deeper social understanding of trauma and its transformative power.

Rooted deep in my essence is the question: “How can things go on with us as humankind?” It is quite evident that some things cannot “go on”. We experience increasing polarisation and conflicts of opinion. In our search for answers, what would we find if we were to dive deeper?

Can it be that our sensitivity as human beings is much finer than we have hitherto known? Can it be that we are far more trustworthy than we believe one another to be? Can it be that, in our struggles, we always just painfully run up against ourselves instead of “the other”? How do we find again our courage and conviction to live our true passion, our unbroken love for each other and for this planet which is our home?

Even before the question, “How can things go on with us as humankind?” comes the very individual question: “How can it go on with me?” Do you live like a human being should? What does this actually mean? Would you like to discover what it means for you?

What does your nervous system need? What do you need as a relational being? What does your soul need? What do you wish to bring to the world? What about your broken connection with God? I am here to foster your artistic soul – that fine, brilliant, wild side of you, that wishes for nothing more than to give of itself – and yet is so vulnerable!

Clarity, humour and profound know-how. With Become Your Essence you can find the courage to look deep inside yourself. Supported by powers that go far beyond what you are. Together, let us “return to GO!”. Let us set the conditions for you to come home, into a way of life that is in integrity with your soul.

Become Your Essence

And start your personal revolution

With my work I am inviting you to join a revolution. The revolution of life itself that starts to claim its integrity. The integrity of being complex, wild, organic and playful. This is your true nature too. And it’s time to come home.

Unseen and unaddressed trauma built up to the unquestioned way of live we try to adapt to in loosing more and more sight of the nature of our being. The silos we are trying to find our roles in are an expression of the fragmented world and must remain uncomfortable, feeding this subtle sense of homelessness that we silently share.

The revolution you will start in bringing the fragmented parts together will bring healing to your heart and soul. But it is not limited to your personal life. You will naturally affect the people around you and start a revolution in the frozen structures you live in.

Whether its in your family, in your neighbourhood or or at your work place – you will be an embodied invitation for everyone to be human? From there the broken trust can be healed. And creativity in a sense of our human contribution to the beauty of life will become possible.

BE individual, BE corporate – you can choose your entry point.

Be individual

Trauma is the elixir of life

Becoming Essence for your personal growth:
~ Healing process work – your individual pearl dive
~ “The Golden Key” – new relational experiences in your BE community
~ Going in lead – your Masterclass “The Art of Pearl Diving”

Discover more >

Be corporate

Ground your genius

Becoming Essence for entrepreneurs, politicians and organisations:
~ Individual: process work in your pearl dive “world aware leadership”
~ Systemic: Gap facilitation in change processes
~ Corporate resilience: deep designs for your “mission to earth”

Discover more >

My play ~

Ride the wave

Becoming Essence moves the world:
~ Water Festival Freiburg – transforming ocean plastics
~ Global Female Envisioning – improving our impact!
~ Shame gourmet? – rehabilitation of a disregarded deeply human feeling
~ Integrity For Future – a call to action

Discover more >

Becoming Essence – My invitation (in German)

BE individual – Carina S.| artist (in German)

Your space and you a gate, a warm hearted invitation to living. I thank you – creature of the stars!
Pia Ludwig
Artist | Berlin, Germany
Removing my inner mask – that takes courage! Ann has taken me through my shame to offer me an open and creative space in which I have finally been reborn. An unbelievable gift!
Jochen M.
Freelance architect | Germany
Ann has devoted her life to the depths. For her work, she has trained her awareness.
She courageously goes to places where scarcely anyone else can go. She does not neglect to dive into our human abysses.
And she uncovers pearls.
Nicola S.
Founder, dolphinet | Hawaai, Poland

At home in many dimensions

Trauma expert, pioneer, facilitator

My profound questioning of human existence has accompanied me since my very first breath. Perhaps because, at my birth, I stared for a few moments into the face of dying; today, I would say that I have seen God. Every day, I am in the presence of both aspects. As an introverted child, I explored the borderland primarily in my inner dream world; later, I approached the great subject of being human from an academic perspective. Then there was still quite a long way to go until I became able to consciously apply my intuitive access to other levels with my knowledge of humankind.

A good life for all! What nourishes me when I dare to do the seemingly impossible? Deep and meaningful bonds. How are these connections brought to life? Through my vulnerability. How do I live my relationship to God? In the daily interplay of testing and devotion.

These are the keys to my work and my message with Becoming Essence. Being human is ambivalent. Nevertheless, we can live to the full our steadfast declaration of love to our own being – respectfully connected with others and with the world!
Learn more about my path >

Be qualified

Academic: M.A. Germanic Studies, Romance Studies, History | Master of Arts in Social Science & Humanities | Master Science Politique

In the Marketplace: Project management in international cultural institutions in Germany and abroad
Head of Public Relations & Co-operations, Curator of Arts Programme, Reeperbahn Festival Hamburg
Currently: Festival Designer, Water Festival Freiburg

As an Independent: Founder of RAUM IM SEIN, practice for trauma resolution and bonding-oriented body psychotherapy

Free Play & Research: Founder of the global initiative Integrity For Future | Founder of the Becoming-Essence Feel & Think Tank – the creative laboratory for modern tribe based designs

Participation: Collective Trauma – International Climate Change Lab (Pocket Project) | Prototyping in the M.I.T. program u.lab 2x 2021 | International Bateson Institute (Warm Data community)

  • Master Stratégies des Echanges
    Culturelles Internationaux
  • Magistra Artium Germanic and Romance Studies, History
  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®
    based on Peter Levine
  • Existential Analysis based on Viktor Frankl
  • Gestalt-Counsellor based on Fritz Perls
  • Body Psychotherapy based on Wilhelm Reich
  • Basic Bonding© based on Thomas Harms
  • Academy of Inner Science | Transparent communication
    based on Thomas Huebl
  • Masterclass “In the eye of the needle” – Coma and near death experiences by Peter Levine
  • Warm Data Lab host, trained by Nora Bateson @ International Bateson Institute