BE individual

Trauma is elixir of life

None of us goes through life without being hurt. There are moments when we can only move on by switching into our survival mode.

In trauma, we find ourselves endlessly repeating a self-compensatory pattern. Or we skilfully avoid something that reminds us of our lost vitality. Often it is a ping-pong between a perplexed “I know better, yet I do it again and again” and avoidance “I’ll never go there again”. Our energy is exhausted in complicated manoeuvres that serve to survive. Feel like living?

We cannot change our history. But we can release the frozen energy in our nervous system, revive the inner connections and go to the place where straw IS gold. It’s always there. We can tap into that – let’s go pearl diving …

individual = unique

Your specialness counts. You have a purpose in this world.

Trauma Work Is A Spiritual Path

Your pearls

  • Being ready for nurturing and fulfilling relationships
  • Feeling safe in what you want
  • Clarification and respect with your family and descendants
  • Waking up with a feeling of deep meaning in life
  • Feeling happy and at home in your body
  • Shame as your favoured joker for intimacy
  • Your nervous system fit for a “full life”
  • For every situation your connection-map in your luggage
  • Dedicated caring for the world in your heart projects
  • Trust in moments of existential uncertainty
  • Enjoyable docking in with your own tribe
  • Rules of
    the game

    Trauma release is process work

    5 encounters that change your life!

    Trauma work is an essential renegotiation of your inner and outer connections. In the depth of the work we are very vulnerable. The process, that will make the quantum leap onto a new quality in your relationships possible, requires a total commitment and a high level of safety.

    The setting of a Pearl Dive is perfectly adapted to this. Your investment is a conscious decision which will empower you. Your commitment for several consecutive sessions gives your process strength and you can relax into that. Each of the 5 sessions has its own essential dedication, at the beginning of our encounter we start with a bow.

    Purpose Orientation
    Global impact

    Your individual Pearl Dive

    Diving deep with joy

    Trauma is also described as a loss of connection. Everyone comes into contact with trauma in one way or another in their lives. It does not have to be the big overwhelming events. Any energy that cannot complete its cycle affects our quality of life. Thus, minor accidents, but also continuous experiences of “not being seen” as a child can leave a lasting impression on the nervous system, which prevents us from being in fulfilling relationships and standing full and complete in our lives.

    Somatic Experiencing® offers us an access to these issues without having to focus on the story. The experience is stored as energy in our nervous system and can be transformed exactly there.

    Our nervous system has a logic of its own. With our common sense, we may be able to explain things, but we cannot change them permanently. Through the language we use in the process, we communicate with the subtle levels of the dream-time. What was yesterday, is addressed and integrated in the cells in the here and now. In the updating of your radius of action and experience, previously irreconcilable polarities stand together in a new connection.

    No matter how difficult the preconditions were, this journey can be joyful and enjoyable.

    It presents the opportunity to discover your humanity in all its depth and beauty – in the connection with yourself, with the world and with God.

    For your individual Pearl Dive you can choose between the 3 formats COMPACT, PROFOUND and POWER RELEASE. Right below and in the FAQ section at the end of this page you find concrete information.


    Thank you Ann, that through the encounter with you with your soft, kind, clear, centered presence, I am reminded of the taste of vitality.

    Moritz B.

    COMPACT (classic)

    Is this right for me?
    “I know what I want. In a clear time frame I would like to be in a different place with a concrete topic in my life. I am ready to surprise myself. I follow my intuition of what it should feel like to have managed my challenge. I confidently take the reins in my life. The concentrated focus and my clear yes for a fixed number of sessions opens up unlimited resources to me.”

    A POWERFUL dedication. 

    5 consecutive sessions
    (live & online)

    800€ (+/- 200€)

    Supporter: 1.000€
    Just-Growing: 600€
    (BE community support on request, see FAQ)


    Is this right for me?
    “I want to know. Where I have not been so specifically before, I want to be thorough and discover every corner of myself. I would like to go gently, to feel I have “all the time in the world”, to surrender completely to my own rhythm for a certain period of time, to put aside any seeming pressure from the outside in order to anchor my „Own Time“
    rhythm safely within myself.”

    A STRONG dedication. 

    Several sets of 5 in a row
    (Period of several months up to 1 year)

    see Pearl Dive compact


    Is this right for me?
    “l’m feeling it. My life needs me. I want to be ON. The time is right, my willingness for change is ready – NOW. The depth of my unfulfilled longing and my clear orientation towards discovery awakens unimagined powers.
    I am ready to embrace change and dive deep through all personal levels into my very essence.”

    A DECIDED dedication.

    Individual half-day retreat (embedded in two phone calls)/ Special “Own Time” Journey


    Pearl Diving
    in a group

    Go deep together

    The safest ground for us as humans is to become experts – for being human. Understand, play, experience, discover. We’re not here to be alone.

    BE Masterclass and The Golden Key are opportunities for us to get closer to our mission – with fun!

    Life is connection. We need the encounter and the experience of being seen to heal our wounds. In the encounter our vulnerability comes to light. Where we were once wounded, peace comes simply from the balm of a new experience. Together we transform straw into gold – and as if by chance the unloved shame becomes a turbo relationship deepener.

    Then there is also room again for the experience in the here and now. What is happening in the world right now? What occupies us and how do we want to get involved? This is how we find friends on our way.


    Your groups are always about an aspect of ‘being in the world’. Thank you for taking it all in a non-judgmental way! The quintessence of what is said is valued – and something new results from it. A network, connections that were not visible before.

    Helga K.

    BE Masterclass

    Those who want to master “The Art of Pearl Diving” and perhaps even pass on their knowledge can participate in the workshop of the same name. Connection | vulnerability | orientation | surrender – in a small group I share my expertise and helpful maps and make my knowledge accessible through exercises.

    Prerequisite: the completion of an individual Pearl Dive (see above)

    Place: AHA-Lounge Staufen
    Time: Friday-Saturday (1,5 days)
    Dates: 4 times a year
    Number of participants: 4-6
    Invest: 350€

    The Golden Key – LIVE

    A monthly meeting for people who have already dived deeply with me and want to refine this skill in my group. To be able to contain intensity and high vibrational energies in your own nervous system is also a question of training. We feel a longing for intimacy with life and explicitly invite our vulnerability. Underneath every shame lies unbridled joy of life.

    Place: AHA-Lounge Staufen
    Time: Tuesday 18.30-20.30
    Next date: on request
    Invest: exchange on donation basis

    The Golden Key – ONLINE

    For deep divers and the curious: intimacy through a simple being together in our beauty and vulnerability, expressed and witnessed in a group.

    Through the regularity of our meetings, an organic web weaves itself, we keep an open connection that nourishes us in our daily lives.

    Place: Online via ZOOM
    Time: Tuesday 17.30-18.30
    Date: 1-2 times per month
    Invest: for free

    For trained Pearl Divers AND interested people who would like to get to know me. Access data by registration >

    BE inspired


    As a woman – how does it feel when you show yourself in your beauty? How, when you let your passion run free – in this moment?

    As a man – how does it feel when you show yourself in your vulnerability – now? How, when I can see your burning and your lust?

    Has the world already seen you?

    Are You ready?

    Are You Ready?

    Is a pearl dive right for me?
    The CHECK-IN: in a 20-minute phone call we will discuss your concerns (free of charge).

    Is the chemistry right for a trip together?
    In the GET-TO-KNOW-EACH-OTHER-SESSION (150€) we lay the foundation for the start of the work. Now we are a team!

    In an optional ORIENTATION-SESSION (100€) we define time frame, purpose and goal of the pearl dive. Your journey begins!

    Yes, I would like a non-binding CHECK-IN-CALL


    Some people find me in a crisis situation, such as separation, tension at work or in the family, chronic pain or a loss of sense. Sometimes it’s just a hunch that life could be even more colourful and joyful. Mostly the encounter feels very guided and the journey has already begun.

    When working with Somatic Experiencing it is not so important if you can remember a single event. Your nervous system knows your history. In general the term trauma is a bit overloaded. Trauma is the “loss of connection” and therefore an everyday phenomenon of us all. It is nice when the energy can flow freely again.

    Your financial contribution to your pearl dive, which will be clarified between us before we begin, is payed at once in advance.  There is also a possibility to have one instalment of 500€ at the beginning, the second instalment is due at the end.

    The Supporter formula (1.000€) represents our community spirit. The BE-community support enables others lacking the regular amount to benefit from a pearl dive too (Just-Growing: 600€).

    Talk to me. I appreciate if there is already a familiarity with my work in our groups. If you have a strong call to participate, we will clarify in a zoom call what it might take.

    Physical touch is not necessarily part of a session, but it can support the energy flow at certain points. Your openness to it is constitutive and your preference will always be accepted.